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Glass greenhouses provide more light

AUTHOR:jyxd-greenhouse DATE:2024-02-18 11:36:57 HITS:158

In the growth process of vegetables, flowers, etc., light plays a very important role. Therefore, the materials we choose when building greenhouses currently include: plastic greenhouse film, glass, etc.; these materials can allow sunlight to shine on the vegetables in the greenhouse. on, conducive to its growth needs.

In fact, for glass greenhouses, it can not only provide good lighting conditions for vegetables in the greenhouse, but also increase the temperature inside the greenhouse through its light in cold winter, which is helpful for the growth of vegetables. In addition, because the main material of the glass greenhouse is glass, you need to close the windows in windy weather to avoid damage to the glass caused by wind flow, which will cause damage to the indoor environment and affect the growth of vegetables.


Hebei Juyou Xinda Greenhouse Facilities Co.,Ltd.

Phone: +86-18110022011
Address:Fuzhuang Development Zone, Botou City, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province

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