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How to increase the temperature of a greenhouse?

AUTHOR:jyxd-greenhouse DATE:2024-04-23 01:22:38 HITS:192

To increase the temperature of the greenhouse, the following measures can generally be taken:

1. Cover with insulation material:

Covering the outside of the greenhouse with a layer of straw curtains can increase the temperature by 2-4°C.

Using a layer of paper quilt can increase the temperature by 4-5°C (the paper quilt is made of at least 4 layers of kraft paper and wrapped with plastic sheeting to extend its service life).

A layer of plastic sheeting can increase the temperature by 1-2°C.

2. Add layers:

In severe winter conditions, two curtains can be pulled indoors, and the first-floor canopy can be raised by more than 2°C. Open it during the day and cover it at night.

You can also add a small shed and covering film inside the greenhouse to further preserve the heat.

3. Add insulation layer:

Add insulation layers to the east and west side walls and back walls to prevent the intrusion of cold air from the outside and effectively increase the temperature inside the greenhouse.

4. Use lights:

Lighting biogas lamps or natural gas lamps at night can not only increase the temperature inside the greenhouse, but also supplement the carbon dioxide needed by plants, promote photosynthesis, and increase crop yields.


Hebei Juyou Xinda Greenhouse Facilities Co.,Ltd.

Phone: +86-18110022011
Address:Fuzhuang Development Zone, Botou City, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province

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